All You need to know about a IPO’s (Initial Public offering)
Key Highlight’s
- IPO is like a lucky draw game in which, lot is allotted a person who is choosen by computer system.
- Public subscribe to IPO based on many factors like company valuation, debt, market capitalisation, balance sheets and annual reports.
- IPO is issued by a public company which is listed on BSE and NSE both Under the regulations of SEBI (Security and Exchange board of India).
- There is limited quota for retail investors like us, No more than 2,00,000 (2 lakhs) investment in a single IPO.
- 2 types of IPO in market A) Fixed Price IPO B) Book Building issue.
- More then 90% of Issued IPO is based on book building issue.
- There is 67 IPO Issued in 2024 and 97,783 crore amount are raised, interestingly non of the IPO were failed in the year 2024.
What is Fixed Price Issue