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All You need to know about a IPO’s (Initial Public offering)

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Key Highlight’s

  1. IPO is like a lucky draw game in which, lot is allotted a person who is choosen by computer system.
  2. Public subscribe to IPO based on many factors like company valuation, debt, market capitalisation, balance sheets and annual reports.
  3. IPO is issued by a public company which is listed on BSE and NSE both Under the regulations of SEBI (Security and Exchange board of India).
  4. There is limited quota for retail investors like us, No more than 2,00,000 (2 lakhs) investment in a single IPO.
  5. 2 types of IPO in market A) Fixed Price IPO B) Book Building issue.
  6. More then 90% of Issued IPO is based on book building issue.
  7. There is 67 IPO Issued in 2024 and 97,783 crore amount are raised, interestingly non of the IPO were failed in the year 2024.

What is Fixed Price Issue

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