Top agencies including FBI say that Iranians find the access of individuals which is proof that they are connected to the both US political parties.

“We have observed increasingly aggressive Iranian activity during this election cycle, specifically involving influence operations targeting the American public and cyber operations targeting Presidential campaigns,” said by FBI Released Statement.
US officials confirmed that presidential campaign were hacked by Iran. authorities said on Monday.
The confidential Internal campaign record is leaked by at least three news outlets including New York Times, The Washington Post and Politico. So far, they refuses to release further information what it received.
Iranians have through any social engineering to hack the Donald Trump political campaign. Iran’s Campaign hacker efforts contains “theft and disclosure” which intended to influence US election.
Early of this month, microsoft informed the hacking of campaign and donald trump also asserted that “only publicly available information”
Last week, Kamala Harris the vice president of United States also faces campaign hack but the cyber security authorities has successfully thwarted the hacking attempt.
FBI officials is in the contact with the Iranian victims of the trump campaign hack and the further investigation is takes place by FBI officials.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton campaign is hacked which leads threatful email spread through the wikileaks.